Looking back at Miracle on Ice, friendship with Herb Brooks
Mike Ilitch will be remembered as an icon many times over
From the sports world to the retail world, the late Mike Ilitch was a beloved figure in Michigan and will be remembered as an icon many times over.
Why choosing the NHL's top 100 was a difficult task
The Top 100 is a remarkable group of stars and winners, and quite frankly it wasn’t big enough, which is what made the selection process a huge challenge.
John Shannon's Top 25 NHL Power Brokers 2017
NHL Coaches Confidential: What it's like to get fired
It’s not fun getting fired. Despite the reasons and the rationale, and whether you deserved it or not, it is embarrassing, both for you and your family. It’s tough on friends too. Should they call to give you support? And when is a good time to call?
A look at new arena hurdles facing Calgary, Ottawa, Arizona
There was a time when discussions about new NHL arenas were all tied to re-location, or the threat of it. Not any more, but challenges do persist.
Is NHL participation in 2018 Olympics really what's best for hockey?
Pat Quinn loved hockey and all the people around it
Pat Quinn will be inducted into the Hall of Fame on Monday, but it's a shame he won't be there to enjoy it. He loved the game, but even more so, he loved all the people around it.
Katz interview reveals different side to private Oilers owner
John Shannon's interview with Oilers owner Daryl Katz turned into almost an hour of trying to get inside the head of someone who did something that every hockey fan could only dream about: He bought the team he loved as a teenager.
Top 10 NHL off-ice storylines for 2016-17